Looking For Holistic Hypnotherapy Services Near Me?

Online & In-Person Sessions Available, Call Now!

Hey there, I'm Leanna Lapidus, your guide and ally on the journey to self-improvement and personal well-being. As a seasoned professional in the realm of holistic hypnotherapy, my purpose is to aid you in discovering your inherent strengths and navigate you through the tumultuous parts of life that may seem unmanageable or overwhelming at times. I'm here to guide you, support you, and empower you to retake control and begin a new chapter in your life.

Today, we find ourselves in the era of rapid technological advancements and an uncertain global climate, which has spurred many individuals to seek alternative therapy methods. In this setting, online therapy has emerged as a beacon of hope for those grappling with various personal issues. By overcoming geographical and time restrictions, online therapy provides a flexible and accessible means of obtaining professional help. And that's where I step in with my online

holistic hypnotherapy services. Having already guided hundreds of individuals on their journey to reclaim their lives and unearth personal satisfaction and happiness, my field experience can help you too. No matter where you are in the world or what you're going through, I'm here to help you discover the resilience that lies within you.

So, why should you consider online holistic hypnotherapy services with me?

1. Convenience and Comfort:

Through online hypnotherapy services near me, you can enjoy the therapeutic process from the comfort of your home, office, or even on vacation. Creating new associations in your personal space. There is no need to travel, and with just a few clicks, you can embark on a journey of self-improvement.

2. Flexibility:

Online hypnotherapy services allows you to schedule your sessions at a time that suits you best, fitting seamlessly into your busy life.

3. Privacy:

I understand privacy is a significant concern for many individuals, and I want to assure you that confidentiality is one of my top priorities. Your sessions with me are secure, and our discussions remain entirely confidential.

4. Immediate Help:

With the advantage of online therapy, help is always at your fingertips. There is no need to wait for days or weeks for an appointment. Whenever you need assistance, I'm here to provide support and guidance.


Hear from my beautiful clients who have benefited from my services

"Dear Leanna, After I received the Hypnotherapy with you my whole thinking, mindset, demeanor and behavior has changed immensely. I feel that your sessions were the most helpful & I learned more from you in those few sessions than I have in 8+ years with my Psychotherapist!!! My gratitude for relieving me of the fear that figuratively had paralyzed me for years including my relationships & my ability to embrace all that life has to offer!!! will never be the same after meeting & working with you. My gratitude is immeasurable & I hope you know what a gift that you have & make those who have had the honor to work with you better people for it."



"Leanna has been great at helping me manage my negative thoughts and emotions. Before meeting Leanna, I was struggling with believing in myself. I felt a lot of shame, guilt, and anxiety from past mistakes that kept me from moving forward. Through counseling with Leanna and hypnotherapy, she has been able to tap into my subconscious mind and help relieve me of the negative thoughts and emotions. I am much more happy, more confident, and less anxious than I was when I first started to see her. Thank you Leanna for improving my life on so many levels"!


Problems that my online hypnotherapy services can address

Anxiety and Panic Attacks


Alcohol or Drug Addiction

Relationship Issues


Emotional Stress

Weight Issues

Social Anxiety

Lack of Life Purpose or Motivation

Sleepless Nights or Insomnia


Positive Mindset

Awakening to Inner Wisdom

Reclaiming Control

Trauma Healing

Learn Self-Hypnosis

My online hypnotherapy and in-person services can address a broad spectrum of issues, and I'm committed to understanding your unique needs and tailoring the therapy to align with your personal goals.

Book your Free Consultation with Leanna

My online hypnotherapy and in-person services can address a broad spectrum of issues, and I'm committed to understanding your unique needs and tailoring the therapy to align with your personal goals.

Book your Free Consultation with Leanna

So, why should you consider online hypnotherapy with me?

Just to name a few

Defeat Addictions:

Whether it's alcohol, drugs, or any other form of addiction, I can guide you toward understanding the root cause of your addictive behaviors and steer you toward healthier, more constructive coping strategies.

 Authentic Happiness:

True happiness isn't contingent on external circumstances but is a state of being that originates from within. Through our sessions, I aim to cultivate genuine joy and contentment in you.

Improved Focus:

I can teach you techniques to enhance your concentration, helping you stay focused on your tasks and achieve your goals more efficiently.

Increased Motivation:

Discovering your underlying passions can significantly boost your motivation and dedication to your personal and professional pursuits. I'm here to facilitate this process of self-discovery.

Inner Peace:

Amidst life's chaos and challenges, inner peace can seem elusive. As we navigate your anxieties, fears, and stressors, I aim to help you find tranquility and serenity within yourself.

Increased Confidence:

Confidence is key to overcoming life's hurdles. I strive to help you build the self-assurance you need to face these challenges head-on.

Improved Sleep:

Through learning and mastering relaxation techniques, you can achieve faster sleep onset and enjoy a more restful, uninterrupted night's sleep.

Feel Inspired and Energized:

Each day is a new opportunity for growth and accomplishment. I aim to help you start each day with renewed vigor, a positive outlook, and a zest for life.

Experience Joy:

Joy is not just a fleeting emotion but can be a regular part of your everyday life. I can guide you on how to experience and appreciate the joy in even the simplest moments.

Book your Free Consultation with Leanna

How Does a Hypnotherapy Session Work?

  • Your body relaxes as your mind becomes more aware
  • You are always in complete control throughout the session
  • All people can be hypnotized
  • Hypnotherapy is self-empowering
  • Hypnosis puts you in control of your emotions and habits
  • You will remember your session
  • You easily wake up from hypnosis
  • After a Hypnotherapy session, you will feel refreshed and experience a profound state of inner peace  
Book your Free Consultation

How Does a Hypnotherapy Session Work?

  • Your body relaxes as your mind becomes more aware
  • You are always in complete control throughout the session
  • All people can be hypnotized
  • Hypnotherapy is self-empowering
  • Hypnosis puts you in control of your emotions and habits
  • You will remember your session
  • You easily wake up from hypnosis
  • After a Hypnotherapy session, you will feel refreshed and experience a profound state of inner peace  
Book your Free Consultation


Are you ready to embark on this journey of self-improvement, healing, and transformation? Are you prepared to conquer your fears, to overcome obstacles, and unearth your potential? It's never too late to seek help, and with me as your hypnotherapist, you're just a step away from a better, healthier, happier you.

With my online hypnotherapy services, you can overcome the challenges hindering your progress and start living the life you've always dreamed of. Together, we can navigate the path of self-discovery, paving the way for personal growth, contentment, and well-being.

Please remember that you are not alone in this journey. As your hypnotherapist, I'm here to support and guide you every step of the way. No matter where or what you're going through, we can work together to transform your life, one step at a time.

I hope to join you on your journey toward self-improvement, healing, and happiness. As your guide and ally, I'm committed to helping you harness your inherent strengths and create the life you desire and deserve.

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Are you ready to embark on this journey of self-improvement, healing, and transformation? Are you prepared to conquer your fears, to overcome obstacles, and unearth your potential? It's never too late to seek help, and with me as your hypnotherapist, you're just a step away from a better, healthier, happier you.

With my online hypnotherapy services, you can overcome the challenges hindering your progress and start living the life you've always dreamed of. Together, we can navigate the path of self-discovery, paving the way for personal growth, contentment, and well-being.

Please remember that you are not alone in this journey. As your hypnotherapist, I'm here to support and guide you every step of the way. No matter where or what you're going through, we can work together to transform your life, one step at a time.

I hope to join you on your journey toward self-improvement, healing, and happiness. As your guide and ally, I'm committed to helping you harness your inherent strengths and create the life you desire and deserve.

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Take control of your life.

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Take control of your life.

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A pleasant way to tap into the potential of your subconscious mind to create positive long-lasting change. Simply relax, breathe, and evolve

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Addiction Recovery

Take control of your life and develop practical ways to make life changes With my step-by-step guidance, you will end your addiction to and live a lifestyle you love

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Life Coaching

Unlike talk therapy, Life Coaching focuses on where you are now, so you arrive at where you need to be.

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